Henchman Role

Threatens one person each night. That person cannot talk the next day. Does not die to Granny. Sided with the mafia.


The Henchman, often neglected by his paranoid grandmother, fell in with the wrong crowd. With his baseball career never taking off, he took to using his bat as a weapon instead, initially to protect himself when doing delivery jobs but later to threaten witnesses into silence. Those that he threatens seem to relax once the day is over with no consequence, however; after all, there's only so much fear a teenager with a baseball bat can instill. Though his granny still thinks this is just a phase and isn't terrified of him enough to shoot, he still manages to keep her quiet.

Common Strategies

The main idea behind Henchman, similar to the original Interrogator role, is to limit the communication of your target in the chat the next day. You can do this to prevent leads from being announced by Cop or Creep or to prevent non-visiting village members like Sniper and Villager from being able to claim or counter-claim. You want to create confusion. Confusion helps the Mafia. With that being said, as the game has evolved so much since the Interrogator was first released, there are a lot of layers and possibilities to consider tactically. Like Interrogator and Maid, Henchman is a visiting role. Since the threatened person cannot speak in the chat the following day, you won’t be able to disguise yourself as a village-sided visiting role as you could with Interro or Maid. You can still partner up with Reg, Toaster, or Godfather late in the game and visit the same person if you’re trying to get caught to save a more important mafioso though. Threatening a Mafia member can be a strategy to make them look innocent, but be careful. If you don’t time it well, you could prevent your own teammate from being able to claim at an important stage of the game. If you do time it well, you can set your team up well for later in the game. Threatening a teammate is a lot safer than toasting a teammate, which means that it has much less downside than a self-toast, but by the same token it also has much less upside, since you’re not risking inadvertently killing a teammate just by threatening them, which means it’s obviously less convincing. Be thoughtful and intentional about how you use your threats. Again, the idea is to cause confusion and make the game more chaotic. Remember, you’re more expendable than GF, Reg, and Toaster, so don’t be afraid to help the Kami out by jumping in for a “Kami trick,” or another counter-claim earlier in the game, as you would as Robber, Maid, or Interro.


The Henchman receives an event in the Library when visiting the Granny. He is able to be seen by the Creeper.